Bear in Mind…

In one month Bear in Mind: Bear Awareness Week will be upon us. This year, from May 11-17 we’ll be treating visitors to a variety of activities and presentations related to bears. Activities will take place each day during the week. There will be story times for little kids and families, and Meet the Keeper talks (with free give-aways for participants). Keepers will be talking about how we care for our bears, conservations issues, and more.

Dr. Lesley Skalla will be here talking about black bear reproduction. We’ll have Star Lab set up so you can learn about Bears in the Sky. Or, help keepers make bear enrichment items (below Gus and Mimi are digging at some fruity-bags).

You can even make your own bear in our Bear Buildin’ Buddy workshops. During these workshops you will be able to build your own bear to take home with you, you can watch the “Bear Facts” movie about the status of bears in North Carolina, or do activities to learn about all eight species of bears in the world.

We’re really looking forward to this event. To see a complete schedule of events for Bear Awareness Week, click here.

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