Enrichment at home

Enrichment isn’t just something I do at work. At the end of the day I may have several scents on me- snake musk, opossum funk, steer slobber and many many more. So I go home, lay out my clothes and watch my cats- it’s both enriching for me and them.

First alpha kitty Parker checks it out
Then Pilot, Dylan, and PJ can have a sniff
PJ claims it!


10 responses to Enrichment at home

  1. Wendy says:

    Any day I visit the Animal department, I get an extra-thorough sniff from my dog Murray when I get home.

  2. Leslie says:

    Any day I visit the Animal department, I get an extra-thorough sniff from my dog Murray when I get home.

  3. DJ says:

    I can tell your cats are totally enjoying and loving their enrichment!!

    PS last week my email link to the keeper’s blog also said I was Wendy .. I deleted all cookies etc etc to become DJ again!!

  4. Jill says:

    thats funny because “DJ” has been logged onto the animal dept animal blog as well.

  5. DJ says:

    That’s OK Jill….just post some more of your cool blogs! (Like watermelons are $3.99 each at Kroger ……) 🙂

  6. DJ says:

    sorry..my comment didn’t make sense. Was thinking of past blogs and photos of the bears enjoying their watermelon treats.
    (Seedless watermelons are now on sale at Kroger for $2.99 and I dropped two off at the front desk.)

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