What animal does this ear belong to?
Now that you guessed that, do us a favor and in the comment section write down what you would like us to blog about. What intrigues you the most? Who or what do you want to learn more information about in the animal world or department? Help us make our Animal Department Blog something you want to read about.
I know I know I know!! It’s a C. lanigera! The cute silver one who isn’t Salt! 🙂
And as for what I would like to see blogged about… maybe a profile on your new Okapi exhibit (hint, hint)… or a celebratory blog about the doubling of Keepers’ salaries… or the introduction of Muppets as official staff at the museum… or…
Hi Sherry,
I thought you might be interested in an alligator infographic we just produced for the History Channel. The graphic acts as an educational piece covering topics such as diet, tooth count, and the American alligator population. Attached is the infographic, and if you like it, we’d love for you to post it. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Infographic: Alligators
I’ve gotten these questions recently:
When are the goats having babies? Why don’t the wolves eat the squirrels in their yard? Why do you let the pigs eat paper bags full of woodchips? How exactly do you teach a bear to sit? Can snakes hear if they don’t have ears? Do animals know individual keepers or just the purple shirts and jingly keys? How do goats/cattle/sheep eat if they don’t have top front teeth? Do goats really eat cans? Who names the animals? Do you ever go in with the bears/wolves? What’s the big lump on Lightning’s neck? What kind of (exotic) animals do you have at home? Why is the duck guarding his house/yard? Have you ever been bit?
and finally a comment: It must be nice to snuggle animals all day and get paid for it (quit laughing keepers, the internet can hear you).
I have a quick question. On the picture of the leamer troup, about how they make sure they are together, but look carefully at there tails. Why are they skinny in some places, but “Fat” in others?(Don’t Laugh, sometimes that means they are sick in some way.)
Why are you so into animals? I mean, i LOVE animals, but i can’t help noticing all the problems they are having in the proses. Have you have any problems with there behavior? If noticing fighting with there own kind or something, remove them IMMEDIATELY!!! All that can lead to serious problems!! (P.s To Micky, the loch monster DOES EXSITET!!!)
-As far as the lemurs go and your concern on their weight being “fat” in one picture and “skinny” in the tail: Lemurs do not store their fat in their tails, what you are probably referring to is the appearance or lack of fur on their tails. Lemurs,as all animals do shed and can appear “fatter” or “skinnier” at different times. All of our lemurs are weighed 2 times a month and weights are recorded. If their was a serious problem with weight we would know and would be able to address the situation with a vet.
-Why are we so into animals?
You would have to ask each keeper specifically on that answer. But, for me I have always loved animals and wanted to work with them.
-You ask about lemurs fighting and think they need to be separated immediately.
Lemurs are social animals and live together. The ringtails have been together for a long time and the Red Ruffed have been living together their whole lives. Animals are always competing for a higher rank in their population and some skirmishes happen. This is completely normal. We have never had a serious problem with this and if that were to happen we would also address the problem.