Email excerpts

I am not going to talk about drains just yet (you must be sooooooo disappointed). I am going to share with you some excerpts (I guess not much better than drains, sorry)  from emails I received this week. I found them amusing so I thought I would share with you.

I mentioned I was preparing a severe weather training. Staff have the option of participating in a quiz. Here is someone’s response to the question “what else would you like to see as part of training”

I would like to submit an inclusion to the Severe Weather Preparedness Plan. Between the dedication page and the prologue, in the epigraph position, a single sheet with the words “DON’T PANIC” in a bold, sans serif type face. It is, after all, the most important piece of safety information in the universe.

A couple emails I received had the following listed in the subject line:

re: snake spending the night…

Godzilla Update


A couple personal emails. First, my eldest is in Chile for a semester and here is an excerpt from her most recent email. Second, my youngest, who is starting to email

There are so many cool things to see in the city, like police horses with very nicely braided hair, a museum with Dance Dance Revolution versions of African war dances, and lots and lots of dogs.  By the way, dogs here all wear coats- only homeless dogs go around naked, and my friend was very concerned when I told her that in the United States we don’t clothe our dogs.

THANK YOU!!!! how do you write that big?

I replied to Mir, who asked me in an email if we could get a milkshake after we go swimming. I said yes, and I put it in huge font, I think 40 or so.

And finally, maybe the most interesting one for you all

I haven’t forgotten you… for bear placements.  … may be looking to place some bears and was wondering if you were still interested?  




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