Goodbyes are always hard but this one stings

rwolf_M1414_150518Tuesday was as bad a day as they come. Our male red wolf died, unexpectedly. Everything was going as planned for his annual physical, however Dr. Vanderford had concerns about his abdomen distention during the exam.  We transported him for further testing which revealed a twisted stomach and bowel, also known as Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV). The condition is categorized as an extreme emergency and often carries a poor prognosis.

His condition deteriorated very rapidly and by the time he got to the Veterinary Specialty Hospital he was in shock. Despite their heroic efforts, his condition declined and his prognosis for recovery was dire. Humane euthanasia was elected.


He will be missed, more than words can say.



9 responses to Goodbyes are always hard but this one stings

  1. rhiannon says:

    Oh no. This is heartbreaking. We were just hanging out with him (so to speak) recently, watching him carry eggs back and forth to snack on.

  2. Diane says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this. What a handsome boy. Thinking of everyone at the Museum right now…

  3. Dr. V says:

    My heart is so heavy. It is such an honor to be able to care for these noble animals. I want to express my gratitude to the Museum staff who did everything possible to save him.

  4. Leslie Fann says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about this. Sending to all of you. XO

  5. Teresa says:

    So sorry for your loss – he will be GREATLY MISSED by so many!!

  6. Laura Tweed says:

    I was very saddened to hear about the passing of Red Wolf 1414. I am a supporter of Red Wolf Coalition, so I understand that every healthy individual makes a difference in this population. I hope that your staff knows that they gave him a good life and that he’s special for being love by so many.

  7. Erik says:

    It was certainly shocking to hear of “1414”‘s sudden demise. I worked with him here in Bloomington and had to send him away to you. I thought he would live forever. Our educator started calling me Dances with Wolves because as I would clean the yard he would run up behind me and I would turn around before he got to me. This would startle him and he would stop and pause and fake towards me. It was all a big game to him and I hope somewhere he has someone to sneak up on.

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