Volunteers at work

We were full staff with a bunch of volunteers Thursday and Friday, and I had no meetings until the afternoon! It meant I could get some desk work done and pop out and say hi to people.

A big thanks to these six volunteers and the rest of our behind-the-scenes workers! We cannot take care of the animals without the help of volunteers– last year we had over 4,300 hours of volunteer help.

Andy getting ready to clean and sanitize dishes
Janine working with Peri to set up new carts to use at Bears and Wolves
Dan and Paul put a long morning in the Farmyard and then I caught them in the kitchen prepping diets for the animals. Check out Dan’s shirt… do you notice the heart with all our Museum animals?
Annie scrubbing grate after grate. Yay for Annie
Mitch all smiles, as always

1 response to Volunteers at work

  1. James Hughes says:

    I don´t know if you received my message (to e-mail me) which I left through the Musuem website but I wanted to talk to you about the Red Wolf SSP meeting which you seem to participate in every year.
    The other reason was to know if the Museum was aware that the Service had opened a comment period which unfortunately expires tomorrow:


    Where you one of only 70 people who showed up for the meeting held on July 10 at Manteo, hopefully so but if not, maybe this is an opportunity for everyone envolved in securing the well being of Red Wolf to get a word in to obliquate the Service to continue to protect them.
    NB please send me your email address!!

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