8-week pup check

We got the 8-week pup check done without a hitch! All pups were caught up quickly (7 minutes to enter the habitat, catch up all the pups, and get them to our work area).

Keepers Mary, Kate, and Katie holding three of the pups. We first wanted to identify each pup before working. Everyone’s markings were still present so identifying each pup was still easy.

Every pup has gained weight. Our three larger males weighed around 5.5 Kg and our two females around 5.2 Kg. Our little guy doubled in weight since the last check and is now at 3.4 Kg.

Everybody got a quick physical, dewormed, first round of vaccines, and was micro-chipped. Next check around 10-weeks old…

De-worming. Only one more round. Also, the puppy teeth are still there, and looking good.

Dr. Vanderford said everyone’s ears looked good.

Mary holding a pup very still for Dr. Vanderford prior to inserting the microchip

We scanned each pup to make sure the chips were reading.
Eyes looking good!
Keeper Kate holds a pup for Dr. Vanderford while we check for fleas (no flea dirt).
#1-#6, left to right, with Mary, Aaron, Kate, Katie and Sherry

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