Naked alpacas just in time for summer

Our alpacas received their summer cut last Friday. Good timing, as it seems like our lovely spring temperatures are winding down and heat and humidity are arriving.

Jonathan has been shearing our alpacas for many years, and he’s been shearing for well over 20 years.

I am always surprised how skinny the alpaca look without their fur.

L-R: Equinox (black with white spot), Retro (dark brown), Emily (Equinox’s daughter), and Ray (Retro’s daughter)

We end up with eight bags of fleece– two from each alpaca. The “seconds” from each one is used for animal enrichment. The “first cuts” are quality fleece that we typically sell. Anyone interested?

I wonder if you can make a face mask from alpaca fleece? 🙂

The bag of first cuts from each alpaca. It is incredible how soft it is.

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