2020 was quite the year. Loads to reflect about. It was very interesting to reflect on 2020 by reading every blog post. Below are some of my favorite photos.
January 2020 was when our wolf physicals occurred, and we transferred 8 of our wolf family. The banner photo above shows Carolina Wildlife filled with wolf crates! All the posts in this series have meaning, but the photo below of all the people it took to get the wolves caught-up and moved brings me back to the amazing team work and planning.
I get a huge smile seeing our wolves in the pool.
I have LOVED watching Duckie, our newest bearded dragon, eat! She actually eats greens!
In April as we welcomed “the new normal”. The photo of the team eating lunch with the donkey when no one else was on grounds brings me joy (and a little sadness too if I were being honest).
Smiles, again, after seeing how different the alpacas look after shearing.
Loads and loads of gifts were sent to us over the year from our wish list. I love this photo of the goats eating treats donated to us (well, them).
And who doesn’t smile at a red wolf pup photos, especially a fostered red wolf pup!
These few photos totally make me chuckle
While not humorous, this picture of the chairs set up in the parking deck for us to have our meetings brings up some emotions as well.
Pig physicals, especially when the sling is used, is something to watch:
I kinda keep staring at this picture from Christmas. I know Retro has four legs, but I find this amusing.
And, even the second picture I took of the alpacas on Christmas shows her with limited legs:
Much more to come in 2021.