Even when Annie is not here, she’s working for us. She spends her nights awake thinking of new toys or cage designs, or worrying about an animal who was acting unusual that day. You won’t find a more committed and dependable volunteer than Annie. She also helps to train other new volunteers. Since she is so detail oriented, and has her own funny language she uses with the animals, you can always tell a volunteer who was “Annie trained” by the words they say and how completely they know the job!
Annie helps with a lot of special projects too. Below, you can see her (with Joe) helping with our bear tree trimming project. She is also incredibly caring about the Keepers, bringing in snacks and chocolate, and remembering everyone’s birthday.
As with all the others who make up our team, Annie plays a vital role, and we are very fortunate to have her!

Hurrah for Annie and her mashed potatoes!
Excellent post, you hit all the awesome things about Annie on the head. We love you, Annie!
Snackies, more snackies!!!!