Hollowed-out Log

Keeper Autumn salvaged the hollowed out log over one year ago and it has been a great hit at wolves ever since. We’ve seen the adult wolves in it as well as on it. We’ve seen pups in a den mostly under it and often in it. Ranger Robert shared these photos from the beginning of August. According to Robert, 2247 spends more time in the log than his brother. F2062, mom, is hanging out on top of the log.Read more

Dad’s Duties

M1803 is a great dad. He’s got a few jobs. Primarily, starting when the female is pregnant, he provides food. He brings her food. He lets her take food from him. He repeats. Another one of his jobs is to oversee his territory and keep his family safe. He does this from outside the den. Rarely, if ever, does he enter when the pups are newborn. He’ll be more directly involved with the pups when they start moving around onRead more

One Month Old

At one month old, the pups are now moving a little on their own, and also by mom, F2062. Ranger Greg has shared a few posts with the pups up on the cliff and down by the den. Click here and here to take a look. Ranger Andrew got this quick video of the pups out of the den.  More videos and news coming… or better yet, come see for yourself.      Read more

No More Pup Prep– They’re Here!

I mentioned the end of March that we were preparing for red wolf pups and watching closely the second half of April. Well, the second half of April is here and I got a call from Autumn early Saturday morning that pups were here! What great news to start the weekend!  Three pups were spotted on the den camera. Unsure if more were to come, we made plans to keep the exhibit area quiet all day, and check on the pupsRead more