On Thursday I spent most of the day in a car, driving back and forth to Alligator Adventure in South Carolina. Our Alligators are on loan from them, and when the alligators get too big for our exhibit we take them back and exchange them for smaller ones. It was two years ago that I made the same drive, to exchange our previous ‘gators for these ones that I just drove back. So now, when you come toRead more
Posts tagged: #alligators
Pumpkins for alligators
Pumpkin season is coming. Post-Halloween leftovers are great for Museum enrichment. However, we had a little pumpkin fun early with the alligators on Friday. You know alligators “like” ducks, so no big surprise that they “like” pumpkins too! (Look for more pumpkin blog posts in November!) Read more
Rubber Ducks
We emphasize enrichment here at the museum pretty heavily with our animals. It gives them something to do and a lot of the time they keepers and guests enjoy watching the animals interact. Our alligators are very inquisitive at the museum. I will admit, all my life alligators were probably my least favorite animal. I am not sure why, I always considered them fast, aggressive and just intimidating. Working here with our gators has helped me develop a better viewpointRead more
Thanksgiving Week.
On Monday I drove to South Carolina to swap our alligators for smaller ones. Aaron and I arrived at the Museum around 5 AM to catch-up our current alligators. We use under-the-bed storage containers for transport. Our alligators are all less than 4 feet in length: Drilling air holes and duct taping the container works great for transporting our alligators. Our Alligators are on loan to us from Alligator Adventure. When ours get too big for their exhibit or holdingRead more
QuikPic: Resting Gators
I was cleaning the Carolina Wildlife glass recently and caught a couple of our American Alligators in my favorite “just hanging out” pose. Read more
Phoebe: Our tail-wagging Alligator
Phoebe, our new education alligator, is downright cute. When Mikey holds her and strokes her neck, she wags her tail! Don’t believe me? Watch the video!Read more