Eggs. Lots and Lots of Eggs to Share

Our Chickens make more eggs than we can use, so we donated them to our friends at the Duke Lemur Center and Carolina Tiger Rescue. So far this summer we’ve shared 154 eggs. Check out the video of an Aye Aye with one of the eggs we sent over to the Duke Lemur Center. (Click here to learn more about aye ayes).  Read more

History of the Lemur

Often times while I’m training the Ring Tailed Lemurs I over hear visitor’s comments.  “Oh look- she’s feeding the…. Raccoons? Monkeys? What is that animal?” At the end of each session I ask, any guests that managed to stay interested long enough, if they have any questions. Typically by this point they have read all the exhibit signs and know that the cute little animals with looooong tails are Lemurs. But what is a Lemur?   The word Lemur-which meansRead more