Bear Awareness Week begins today!

Today starts Bear Awareness Week! The museum will be celebrating with lots of events- click on link for a full schedule. Stay tuned to the blog this week to read about all things bears! Gus (pictured), Virginia, Mimi, and Ursula, our four American Black Bears, are up and active — come visit them and learn more about bears.Read more

Bear in Mind…

In one month Bear in Mind: Bear Awareness Week will be upon us. This year, from May 11-17 we’ll be treating visitors to a variety of activities and presentations related to bears. Activities will take place each day during the week. There will be story times for little kids and families, and Meet the Keeper talks (with free give-aways for participants). Keepers will be talking about how we care for our bears, conservations issues, and more. Dr. Lesley Skalla willRead more