It’s just about one week until my annual Christmas Blog post. Ah yes, the memories of Christmas’ past. It’s the one day every year that I cannot sit at my desk with my feet up.I have to work since I give all the Keepers the day off. Read about my past seven Christmas’ by clinking the links below. The last few years have gone rather smoothly, and last year some wonderful poetry even came to be from my 2013 post. ChristmasRead more
Posts tagged: #Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas
As I said, Sarah would soooooooooooooo be able to write my Christmas post to “Twas the Night before Christmas“. Enjoy: Twas the morning of Christmas, and left on her porch, a bag of potatoes from Donna next door! The bears won’t be hungry this Christmas day; not that they’ll eat them again until May. The day started rough with glasses amiss, pillows were tossed, the room searched forthwith! Resigning their fate to the bedroom elves, spare glasses were acquiredRead more
Christmas 2013
Twas the night before Christmas and left at my house, a bag of sweet potatoes for the Museum Bears. (If I were Sarah, I am sure I could have come up with some great rhyme… in fact she probably could write my entire Christmas post to the Poem Twas the night before Christmas– check out her previous poems here and here). The day started with me very very tired, and unable to find my glasses. I’ve got about 10-15 pillowsRead more
Christmas is coming…
… and you know what that means: I give everyone the day off. And again, you know what that means: I cannot sit at my desk with my feet up, I actually have to work! Read about my past six Christmas’ by clinking the links below. The last few years have gone rather smoothly so I believe I am due for a doozy this year. Christmas 2012 Christmas 2011 Christmas 2010 Christmas 2009 Christmas 2008 Christmas 2007 I’ll post aboutRead more
Christmas 2012
It’s noon and here’s my report so far. What I learned on Christmas: 1) The Blue Jay does not like head lamps; 2) Lycus may wander, but he comes back; 3) Yona doesn’t like grapes; 4) when you have no donkey treats in the Farmyard and you need the donkey to take his meds, even if you try every single kind of dried fruit known to humankind, you still have to go back to the building to get donkey treats forRead more
One Week until Christmas…
…and you know what that means: I give everyone off and work. That means, a full day of who-knows-what-will-go-wrong-because-Sherry-doesn’t-know-what-she’s-doing. Read about my past Christmas’ below, and I’ll post about 2012 next Tuesday. Christmas 2011 Christmas 2010 Christmas 2009 Christmas 2008 Christmas 2007Read more