We have a shower in the animal department. Nothing fancy, but certainly helpful at times. During last month’s cold weather we moved Misha in:Read more
Posts tagged: #cold
QuikPost: Snow Day
We were too busy today dealing with the ice, snow, sleet, and rain to take photos. Jim, our Landscape Director, got this pretty shot of the bear waterfall. It reminds me of some photos that ranger Greg took last year when it was COLD- take a look!Read more
Cold, Cold, Cold!
Well, it took a while but the cold weather has finally reached us. One of the main criteria for this job is to not only work on holidays but to also be willing to work in any sort of weather condition. As I was cleaning the farmyard yesterday morning, my trusty Friday adult volunteer told me that the thermometer at her house was at 15 degrees Fahrenheit when she left, and I believed her because that’s about how it felt.Read more