Snake Enrichment

On Sunday’s the snake enrichment is to be held. Volunteer Colet is always eager to accomplish this task. After holding this corn snake for awhile she let it crawl on the floor for a bit.  Read more

Snake Enrichment

Even our snakes get enrichment! This morning while in the RHR (reptile holding room) I looked over and saw this… Each animal reacts differently to enrichment, but changing a snakes habitat has the greatest enrichment potential. We switch it up week to week to keep it novel. We do enrichment for snakes 3 times a week. One day is handling each snake for at least 5 minutes, another day is adding natural materials, such as leaves, river rocks, pinestraw, pinecones, twigs,Read more

Today in the hall

The Animal Support Hall is always full of life.  Whether it’s a Sunday morning with one keeper and one volunteer inside or a Thursday right before lunch with eight keepers and five volunteers.  Today the hall was used for exercise.  Our opossums Sonny and Cher are a bit on the heavy side so we place their daily diet in various places around the hall and let them wander  in search of their goodies.  This afternoon while doing snake enrichment, I wasRead more