Back on the Animal Support Hall we have an entire room of animals for education purposes which we call the EHR. The animals in the Education Holding Room are taken out by Museum Educators for special events, birthday parties, even trips to local schools.Read more
Posts tagged: #Degu
Surprise! Baby Degus!!
Apparently our male degu, Luis, was not neutered fast enough… because on Monday, May 23rd, animal department volunteer Ashlyn found Florencia’s 6 baby degus in a bag of shredded paper (used for animal enrichment) when she was cleaning out the cages! Degus are born with fur and are cute as can be. The amazing thing to me is that Florencia is not really that much bigger than the sum of these 6 babies!Read more
Degu Surgery
We don’t want Degu babies, so we neutered our male Degu, Luis. However, we thought we might be too late with the surgery – AND WE WERE! Florencia was already pregnant by the time we neutered Luis. Take a look at the photos below from the neutering, and tomorrow we’ll post some photos or videos of the 6 baby Degus that were born on May 23!Read more
New Education Critters…
So we have some new education animals! They are super cute and fun to play with and you know you just can’t wait to see them in action! Can you guess what they are? No, they’re aren’t Capybaras. Or baby Cassowaries. Or even Mongolian Hooded Wombats (Sherry wouldn’t buy me one). But they are almost as cute and fun! They are the Degus! (everyone insert raised eyebrows and “duh” expression here) 🙂 Keep reading my friends and learn about theRead more