Elaina may no longer be a Keeper, but she continues to bring us donations for the Vet world!!! Here is her latest delivery of donated items!Read more
Posts tagged: #Elaina
Staring at Unicorns
Sometimes you walk into the office and this happens: Keepers Jill and Elaina, and volunteers Colet and Tara were all intensely captivated with something acquired from the Animal Department Potluck. It’s a unicorn! Well, a unicorn Magic Eye poster. It now sits up on a shelf in the office, captivating everyone who walks in and glances upon it…not that anyone has even seen it up there amongst the clutter…who knew a Magic Eye poster could blend in so well?Read more
Elaina’s Last Day
Today is Elaina’s last day. I know the pictures below are not the best, but I see Elaina sweeping just about everyday she is here. (Jill seems to have issue with this statement, but from my perspective no one sweeps more than Elaina). Besides for sweeping often and well, Elaina was always game to do whatever was needed, especially Hug Kent!! Good luck to Elaina and the next chapter(s) of her life. Read more
Big Word of the Month: Refraction
Check out this photo Keeper Elaina took of our mud turtle and water snake! Notice something odd about the turtle’s head? There’s nothing wrong with our little mud turtle, he didn’t get decapitated just prior to this photo being taken! His head looks detached from his body for another –less macabre– reason: refraction. Refraction is why, when you look through or into water, objects aren’t exactly where you expect them to be. Light travels at different speeds through solids, liquidsRead more
Hug Kent Day 2014
September 28th is Hug Kent Day. Some photos below of how things went this year. (It’s also Debbie May’s Birthday). Since Kent was not at work this year for his annual celebration, I allowed the hugging to begin early. I hope he has recovered. Read more
More drawings from Sherry
Blog readers know that I am artistically challenged. (click here, or here to see some other wonderful drawings of mine). This drawing (it’s a glove, or a hand) went up on the board a few months ago. I asked Volunteer Dan to go through our work glove box. I wanted him to make pairs, as well as get rid of any gloves that he deemed unusable. (too holey, too stiff, too…) Kent and Elaina thought the number of gloves thatRead more