Interns continue to help us out.

Davidson County Community College has a zoo keeper program. We typically get student interns every year. We help train them on what it is like to be an animal keeper.  I received an email from former intern Jill Sharp recently about their Haunted Trail event next week. The students are earmarking the funds they raise to help support the care of the animals at the Museum. YAY FOR OUR INTERNS FOR CONTINUING TO HELP US OUT.    Read more

Crowdrise challenge: help raise money for red wolves

The Red Wolf Coalition– the only not-for-profit whose only goal is to advocate for the long term survival of the red wolf – is part of an Earth Day Fundraiser through Crowdrise. Right now through May 15th, the Coalition is part of Crowdrise’s Earth Day Challenge. Any dollar amount large or small would help. Donate in honor of the Museum’s wolves, an animal keeper, or just because. Consider donating: $25. One dollar for each year the red wolf has been restored toRead more