Guest Blogger Melissa: Duke School Project

  Melissa from our Innovation and Learning Department worked with a school on a really cool project. Keep Reading if you want to learn more.               A few months ago, the Duke School approached the Museum for their 5th grade Animalia project. The students wanted to work towards solving a challenge that would benefit the Museum keepers, animals, and the public. We tasked one group with creating an enrichment for our black bears andRead more


We did have births at the Museum in April, although not wolf pups. Rachael Knight, the Museum’s entomology specialist, spends her time in the Insectarium. Read her report below about the birth of some Pandinus Imperator scorpions.  Please let us know in the comment section if you’d like Rachael to share more stories from the world of invertebrates! As far as we know there were three of them [scorplings].  When we (Butterfly House staff) noticed the little white chubby nymphsRead more