Word has it (thanks for the tip Mike Williams) that a lot of people are wondering how we keep our animals safe and warm in the winter. The answer is different for each animal. If you have been in the farmyard this winter you may have seen the goats in coats or even Lightning, the donkey, in a coat. You may have also seen red ominous glowing coming from the stalls. These are heat lamps set up to add extraRead more
Posts tagged: #hay
Hay Stacks
The biggest barn in the Farmyard is used to house our tools, bedding and hay. Loading hay into the Hay Barn generally takes a few people, mostly because we get a little competitive and stack as quickly as possible (7 minutes and change was our best time to load 70 bales into the barn!). This needs to happen every 6 to 8 weeks depending on how many bales we order (or how many our local farm has to offer us),Read more
Gus plays in the hay
Really cute video of Gus playing in the hay a couple weeks ago. Sorry it’s not the best quality- you never have the best camera with you when you need it. (the quality is better if you do not maximize the screen).Read more