It’s Really Hot

I mentioned I wanted to be with Mimi under the waterfall a couple weeks ago. Well, not really with her, but sitting alone under a waterfall, especially now, sounds perfect. With all the heat, the team has to do whatever we can to help the animals stay cooler. That meant buckets upon buckets of ice got passed out yesterday (and will likely again today). Check out the quick videos the team got of two of our favorite bears spending someRead more

Keeping Cool–Bear Style!

As Sarah mentioned earlier, is has been HOT lately. In addition to getting showers, we make large ice treats for the bears to help them keep cool. We usually add a variety of fruits or items that may be expiring soon to encourage them to dig though the ice. This is by far one of my favorite enrichment items for the bears! They always go right for them and spend a long time working out all the goodies! Below areRead more