Filou gets his physical.

Dr. Vanderford  was nothing but smiles checking Filou out for his physical.   While his physical went great- the only issue being the need to take off some weight- he has aged quite a bit since then. Opossum’s tend to only live 2-3 years, and Filou is slowing down and showing some issues in the past month or more.  Read more

What’s behind the door…

I walked down the hall on Tuesday and found Katy standing in the doorway. Fairly boring and a tad confusing. However, on the other side of the door was a surprise (different from my post last year about what’s behind the door)      Read more

Summer Camps over

With August done and gone so are the close to 50 programs the Keepers did for Museum summer campers.   I know, a really crappy picture I took of her, like other crappy pictures I take. HOWEVER… Katy is smiling in this photo:  Read more

Fecal Cup

Often times I ask the Keepers if they can retrieve fecal (poop!) samples for me to test. Usually I send them off with a small dixie cup for collection but on one particular day I hadn’t given Keeper Autumn a cup for collection so when I radioed that I needed some feces from the Ring-tailed Lemurs she made her own fecal cup!Read more

QuikPic: Martha Ferret

Of the 3 ferrets that reside with us, Martha is certainly not a morning ferret. Nor is she too keen on taking her medication first thing in the morning. She woke up this morning while I gave Abraham and Betsy their medications and promptly went back to bed!Read more