Baby Goat Hair

If you happen to wander through the goat yard when I’m hanging out training the museum’s little goat herd, I will be the first person to show off the ridiculously long hair that grows along Charlie’s spine. I will also be the first to admit that, despite some research, I have no idea why it grows like this, what it’s for, or if it’s just an extra special characteristic of some baby Nigerian Dwarf goats. Two of our three boysRead more


Did you know that you can be stung by caterpillars? I was surprised when I got stung by one on the wolf cliff in Explore the Wild.  I didn’t know that it was a caterpillar at first but after describing what it felt like to the other keepers, they said it had to have been a caterpillar.  At that point, I was on a mission to find out what exactly stung me.  I needed to have a plan to properly completeRead more