Today is Dr. Vanderford’s birthday. Happy Birthday Deb! It’s also the day I start to miss Kristen and her New Year’s Resolutions Blog posts. (You hear about Libby, Kristen’s oldest daughter every now and again. Yup, I said oldest daughter since Kate was just born 3 weeks ago). Given that 2015 is just a day away, I thought I would share links to Kristen’s New Year’s Resolutions from past years. Enjoy! New Years Resolutions 2012 New Years Resolutions 2011 NewRead more
Posts tagged: #Libby
Libby & Marilyn bond.
Take a look at what happened when Kristen came to visit a couple months ago Libby is much bigger now, and Marilyn‘s hair has grown in. Marilyn’s hair changes over time: take a look: here (blonde) and here (blue) and here it’s long and here (long and blonde!). Read more
QuikPic: Baby Libby
Kristen’s daughter has arrived (on April 18th)!Read more