Or: Rain Or: It’s still raining Or: It’s STILL RAINING! Have you been outside today?!? Don’t go if you haven’t. Seriously, stay inside with some pie and coffee. You can trust me because I’ve pretty much spent the whole day in the great outdoors and the slosh of my shoe speaks for itself. I’m not completely complaining: it could be colder. And there’s something melancholy about a day like today that I kind of like. I’m also not complaining becauseRead more
Posts tagged: #pocket of a keeper
More Out of the Pocket Than in the Pocket of a Keeper: Volume the Third
Fall is in the air at last(ish)! I really enjoy this time of year when everything is cooling down again (although in our case it’s more like colding down and then heating up and then finally, maybe, cooling down a little, for now, if we’re lucky and don’t jinx it. Oops.). Regardless, October is definitely one of my favorite months because it’s such a transition month (my other favorite month is March for the same reason. Have you heard theRead more
In the Pocket of a Keeper Part Deux
Or: Hey! I can actually do work with this thing (kinda)! Another week of constant camera carrying has concluded, chronicling my crazy week (I love alliteration!). This week I’ve learned a few things: 1) You take your camera home A LOT when you keep it in your pocket all the time 2) That’s not such a bad thing because you end up running into people who ask you if you work at the Museum (because you are still wearing yourRead more
In the Pocket of a Keeper
Sherry just bought a new camera for the Animal Department (I was thinking about starting this post by saying, “I totally talked Sherry into buying a new camera for the Animal Department”, because I totally did, but I won’t). It’s pretty fabulous and quite perfect because it’s shockproof up to 5 feet and waterproof up to 10 feet. Not water resistant, but waterproof. Meaning I could hop right into the muskrat exhibit and take an underwater picture with him. OneRead more