A friend and former Museum Educator, Rebecca Dotterer, has an art show at the NC Botanical Gardens until the end of the month. Several of our animals at the Museum modeled for Rebecca’s artwork. Several years ago, our spotted salamander was the model for the Eno Festival T-shirt. Check some of the artwork out below, or head to the NC Botanical Gardens to see the complete show through the end of the month. Read more
Posts tagged: #salamander
Salamander Surgery: a new year with a little less
One of our tiger salamanders will be a little smaller in 2012. A couple of weeks ago one of our tiger salamanders had surgery. For MANY months now we have been trying to treat and cure a growth on the salamander’s tail (Dr. Vanderford described the growth as a Chronic granulomatous inflammation). We have not been succesful, so it was finally time to amputate. Amputation sounds drastic and scary. All went well and the salamander is recovering just as hopedRead more
Busy week for Veterinarians
You already know Yona saw a bunch of Vets on Tuesday. Dr. Carter was here for monthly rounds this past Sunday. And Dr. English was here yesterday. He checked on the eyes of ten Museum animals. ( All 5 barred owls, both screech owls, our red tail hawk, donkey, and spotted salamander. Click above on “Dr. English” to read about him.Read more
Creature Feature: Baby the Spotted Salamander
With a name like “Baby”, it is probably easy to assume that this spotted salamander is very young. On the contrary, he is 10 years old! That’s right, he actually came to the museum in 1998 as a baby, but old habits die hard in the animal department, so the name has stuck with him for his entire life. Baby is our only spotted salamander, while the rest are barred tiger salamanders. He is one of our many animals thatRead more
A rescue of the strangest kind…
Katy and I got a break from our normal Sunday morning routine when we had to rescue our off-exhibit Tiger Salamander from his water dish. If you’re wondering what I mean by that, watch the video below! The salamander didn’t have any injuries from the ordeal and we gave him a different type of water dish so it will not happen again. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd85Y48vZTY[/youtube]Read more