One Week ’til Christmas…

…and you know what that means: I have the Museum all to myself for one long and glorious tiring day. I give everyone off for the day and take care of all that needs taking care of. While the Keepers are celebrating the day or sleeping late or hanging out with family and friends, I am at the Museum causing trouble. As you know, what makes Christmas most special is that you all get to read about my trials andRead more

QuikPic: Surplus Rats

Sounds gross, huh? Last month we were fortunate enough to get a large donation of rats to feed to our animals. We were able to share them with our friends at Carolina Tiger Rescue. Here’s a photo of Bandit, one of their caracals, chomping down on his snack.Read more

Dr. Vanderford dons the gown again

The Ring-tailed lemurs have been getting along well since the initial incidents with their introductions.  (Hopefully Autumn will get some photos to share of the snuggling occurring). That’s why we were very surprised to find Henri one day with his ear split. He, and the others, were all acting totally fine both before and after, but his ear did need to get sutured. Take a look:          Read more

What’s behind the door…

I walked down the hall on Tuesday and found Katy standing in the doorway. Fairly boring and a tad confusing. However, on the other side of the door was a surprise (different from my post last year about what’s behind the door)      Read more