I’m back from the Red Wolf meeting

I am back, a day later, and much more tired then expected from the red wolf SSP master plan meeting. I know you likely just want to hear about wolf stuff but I am going to make you listen to my travel woes and show you some non-wolf photos. I arrived in Illinois with little issue. I found it interesting to see this vending machine at the hotel. Almost all the items were sold out too! I met up withRead more

Yet one more hurdle

As much as I love red wolves, Sherry often times sends me updates on the happenings inside the red wolf Species Survival Plan and Recovery Program. Sometimes she sends me good news about the breeding program, or maybe just cute pictures of our wolves like the one below. But recently she sent me an email about  a news release that was disturbing. The release discussed the increase of a reward to anyone who has information about two missing red wolves.Read more

Acronyms Galore!

SSP, AZA, USFWS, ARNWR, RWC, PDZA, RWSSP, RWRP. These are all acronyms used when talking about the Red Wolf Recovery Program (RWRP). Originally, I was just going to explain what a Species Survival Plan (SSP) is, so that the readers can have a better idea of how the red wolf breeding program works. But it’s not that simple, because there are several facets of the program. Here is an overview for you. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) tookRead more

I’m back from the Red Wolf meeting

I just got off the airplane a couple hours ago from the Red Wolf SSP Master Plan meeting and before I go home to bed I wanted to let you know that our red wolves- 1369 and 1227- will be here with us another year. It is really important that these two produce offspring so we are going to give them another shot. If anyone knows any fertility dances or spells, or anything else to help these two get together,Read more

2009 Red Wolf SSP meeting

Sunday is the beginning of this year’s red wolf SSP meeting. This year it is in Tacoma, WA. At last year’s meeting in Chattanooga, we learned that our “brother” wolves would be moving on and that we would be getting two new wolves, a male and a female that we hoped would breed. The photo is of red wolf 1390. He was crated and driven to his new home last September. This year’s meeting should be interesting, as they alwaysRead more

Red Wolf pups- lots of pups born to wild wolves

I mentioned a few posts ago about red wolf births. Not that many pups were born in the captive population although I have not heard a final report yet. The numbers are looking much better for wild red wolves. As of May 15, there have been 11 liters with 41 pups, plus the 4 pups that were fostered. I head out for the red wolf SSP master plan meeting in Tacoma the end of July, and will report more specificRead more