Filou Opossum predicts the winner of Super Bowl XLIX

In past years we have had Henry the Woodchuck and Galileo Opossum pick some winners of the Super Bowl. Sometimes they get them right and of course some of the time they get them wrong. This year, we have Filou Opossum.This year its the New England Patriots against the Seattle Seahawks. I am positive there are a lot of people who are pleased with his decision. Here is the action footageRead more

Super Bowl XLVIII

The Super Bowl is coming up and happens to be on Ground Hog Day. We’ve done several posts on Ground Hog day because of  Henry. Previously, we did Super Bowl predictions a few times. Henry managed to make his choice again for 2014, when the Denver Broncos will be playing Seattle Seahawks. If Henry happens to guess wrong, I know a few people who will be VERY disappointed!  Read more

Super Bowl prediction

Last year, we had our woodchuck Henry predict the Super Bowl winner. He chose correctly, this year Henry chose the PATRIOTS . I do not have this prediction on video because the camera wasn’t working correctly. However, I do have our opossum Galileo picking the GIANTS to win. I am really torn on what animal I should support. I am from New York so naturally I should side with Galileo, but Henry is my main woodchuck pal! Now, the videoRead more