Henry the Great

Henry is our resident Woodchuck in Carolina Wildlife. Below are pictures of him getting some exercise time on the Keeper Hall. Keeper Katy found it a great opportunity to get him on the scale. We weigh our animals on schedules, some may be once a week, some may be once a month. In addition, anytime we have an opportunity to weigh an animal -we take it! Keeping a good record of animal weights is very important and can help decideRead more

Weighing the Gators

The alligators needed to be weighed, and Kent and I attempted a new method—on a hanging scale. We do this every week since having a regular measurement of their weights helps us to determine that they are in good health, but recently they’ve become a bit harder to weigh. They are growing, getting bigger and stronger, and have been much harder to wrangle into the box that sets on the scale, so it was time to try something new. Here’sRead more

Young Volunteers Get Hands-On Experience

For some of our young volunteers, working with the Animal Department is a great way to get experience for the future. That’s because some of our kids come to us with great enthusiasm and love for animals and hope to one day be a Veterinarian or maybe even an Animal Keeper like us. One of our volunteers, Sarah (pictured above), enjoys weighing our smaller animals and reptiles to get experience in the field of veterinary care… and we are happyRead more