Wolf Awareness Week begins Sunday– Come on by and learn about wolves (and maybe get one of these posters to take home). Meet a Keeper at the Wolf Exhibit at 2 PM, October 11-17.Read more
Posts tagged: #wolf awareness week
Wolf Awareness Week, October 13th-19th of 2013
As in years passed, the museum is gearing up for Wolf Awareness Week. At 2pm starting October 13th,there is a Keeper talk located at wolf overlook all week long. This year, our localĀ chapter of theĀ AAZK will be at wolf overlook on Saturday and Sunday to help guests make enrichment for our own red wolves. Those days are Sunday, the 13th of October 1pm-4pm and Saturday the 19th of October 12pm-3pm.Read more
Wolf Awareness Week
We’re excited about the upcoming Wolf Awareness Week. The focus of this week is on wolves and their value and importance. You’ll get a chance everyday to meet a keeper and talk about our wolves and wolf conservation. We’re especially excited to have Kim Wheeler, the executive director of the Red Wolf Coalition here, Wednesday afternoon. She’ll be set up down at the wolf exhibit all afternoon with some neat items and great conversation. Kim was just honored with theRead more