Behind the Scenes with the Bears

To kick off Bear Awareness Week, I took some Museum members with me down to the bear exhibit. Five special families joined me before the Museum opened Sunday to prepare bear diets and then serve up breakfast to the bears on the rainy morning.

We first went to the animal department kitchen to prepare the meal. They had to find all the foods, choose between different types of vegetables or frozen fruits, and measure out the appropriate amounts. Then we traveled on foot in the rain down to the bear exhibit.

You can see the kids with their feed buckets spreading the food out. They put food in the water, stuffed it in the traffic cones, hid some under tires: anywhere they could hide it, they did. Breakfast consisted off nuts; dried, frozen, and fresh fruits; and vegetables.

Then, after we locked up safely, we let the bears into the house so they could eat. Gus has his head in the water trough and I believe that is Mimi with her paw in an orange traffic cone trying to dig out some food.

I had fun, even though it was raining, and all my special guests were great troupers in the soggy weather. To see the schedule of activities for the rest of Bear Awareness Week, click here.

3 responses to Behind the Scenes with the Bears

  1. Marilyn says:

    Looks like the kids did a great job of hiding the food. I would have been thrilled to have that sort of opportunity at such a young age- how awesome!

  2. Jeff Stern says:

    Congratulations on the blog’s 100th post! I know that the families I talked to all had a great time on the tour. Thanks!

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