A while back I posted a video of the snake eating mice and also one of the box turtle eating some salad. I guess I just really enjoy watching animals eat, because I have another sort-of-cool-but-kinda-gross-but-mostly-cool video for you. This one is of our Banded Water snake eating a fish. This is back when he lived off of exhibit, he’s since been moved to the exhibit tank with Mudsy our Mud Turtle. This video impresses me because the fish alllllllllllllllllmost got away but the water snake grabs him at the last minute! Also, even though I was absolutely expecting him to grab the fish, it still startled me. If you look closely you can see me jump right as he strikes at the fish. The music for Jaws is copyrighted, so I can’t put it in the video, but the video is best watched with the soundtrack playing in your head. Bu-bum! Bu-bum! Hope you enjoy!
That one would be good in slo-mo! I had to speed up the Jaws soundtrack in my head to match the motion!