Red Wolf update- 1227 is feisty and strong

I emailed my friend and Red Wolf Contact at the NC  Zoo to see how female red wolf 1227 was doing.  I drove her there on September 8th. (I was kept company on my drive by Volunteer Annie). Below is the email I received from Chris yesterday:

She sure is feisty.  She went about 48 hours without eating but now she is eating well and appears to be gaining weight.  We did a quarantine exam on her and she was the same weight as what was written in her record but that was over a week ago now.  We where able to do an ultrasound of her repo track during her exam and everything appears good and healthy with the limited amount we can see with ultrasound.  Her blood work all came back WNL.

Did I mention that she is feisty?  She fought me the entire time I was restraining her for the exam.  We had to anesthetize her to complete the exam.  I kept trying to tell her that she is only 40 pounds and I am 230 pounds and she could not win but for some reason that logic did not work on her.

Overall she is doing great and we can’t wait to get her out of that room and into her new off exhibit pen with the 3 year old male.

So, all is well with 1227 and the bonus for me is knowing that Chris gets a little payback. About 10 years ago I picked up female red wolf 918 from the zoo. As soon as Chris locked the door on the crate he started to mischievously laugh. He then enlightened me to all the issues the wolf had at the zoo, laughed again, and said good luck.  Female 918 never gave us any trouble, and even had pups here with male 953. I hope Chris has the same good fortune with 1227!

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