It’s been a whirlwind getting our family of wolves checked out and up to NY and then getting in our new wolves. I think it was about 50 hours from beginning of transfers to the end. The family is doing well in NY and you can check them out, and the other wolves at WCC, on the webcams. Our new wolves- M1803 and F2062 – handled their trips into the Museum well. As you know, M1803 had a long rideRead more
Posts tagged: #NC Zoo
Goodbye to Jessi
It’s a bittersweet day as Jessi is moving on from the Museum. She starts working at the NC Zoo next week in the Northwoods section taking care of bears and wolves and bison and elk. We’ll miss her a lot but are really excited for her. There are two good things I can think of: Autumn made brownies 2. Starting Monday, Intern Katie will be working with us. She’ll be part time until she finishes up her classes. We’re thrilledRead more
Red Wolf update- 1227 is feisty and strong
I emailed my friend and Red Wolf Contact at the NC Zoo to see how female red wolf 1227 was doing. I drove her there on September 8th. (I was kept company on my drive by Volunteer Annie). Below is the email I received from Chris yesterday: She sure is feisty. She went about 48 hours without eating but now she is eating well and appears to be gaining weight. We did a quarantine exam on her and she wasRead more
Yona’s visit to the Vet School
What a long day. In February I wrote about Yona’s first radiographs. Today, Tuesday, was the next step. Many of you know that Yona went to North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine’s Teaching Hospital today. Today was the day to do whatever tests were needed to figure out what was going on with her leg. Whatever is going on is not stopping her from doing anything she would normally do, but we know something is just not right withRead more