Photos of Red Wolf 1287

She’s only been on grounds a few hours, but I got to see what our new wolf looks like this dusky morning. Still some fairly crappy photos for you as she seemed nervous and didn’t stand still. She is acting more like I would expect her to this morning (nervous, skittish, some peeing while she moved away from me). She did bed down in the hay, she did eat a bunch of her food (she’s on a special diet…). Subjectively, she is distinctive looking, short, dark, and very pretty.

1287 head shot

4 responses to Photos of Red Wolf 1287

  1. Debbie says:

    She’s beautiful – can’t wait to meet her! Welcome 1287!

  2. Nancy Lewis says:

    As the “red wolf lady” at Roger Williams Park Zoo, I know from experience that “Snoopy” is a very skittish female. I do hope she will be happy and productive with you.

  3. Sherry Samuels says:

    Thanks Nancy!
    We hope she and our male do well together.

  4. Nicole Baucom Hays says:

    I am so very impressed that the museum is part of the Red Wolf Recovery Project. I’ve just done a science unit on red wolves for school. I find the keeper blog compelling. Thanks for our work.

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