Kitchen Update

There’s been a lot of construction going on. Right outside our department it goes back and forth from being a muddy mess, gaping holes in the ground, big trucks moving big items, or sometimes not anything.  Last week, the concrete floor was laid. (New photos coming soon). In addition to all the outside work, we planned to have our kitchen over-hauled. The week before Christmas, we emptied out all the old, broken, and damaged cabinets in preparation for the new work to be done. You can see Joel, our contractor, modeling in the newly emptied room.

our empty kitchen with contractor Joel

We set up a temporary work space on the hall – the keepers still need to make diets for the animals. It’s been crowded, and far from perfect, but everyone is managing.

Temporary Kitchen set-up on hall

The walls all got cleaned up and coated with FRP. This will keep our walls in good shape and make them easier to clean.

Our new Kitchen

There is still a little more to do and then the big work of restocking and getting used to the new set-up. All in all, it’s a really good change for us.

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