Match that Red Ruffed

Our Red Ruffed Lemurs are distinguishable by their tails.

But can you tell them apart by their faces alone?

Cynthia is our oldest lemur and our oldest mammal (not including humans) at the museum, 30 years old! Her tail is the shortest.

Her two daughters Jethys and Iris are both 19 years old, Iris has the medium length tail and Jethys tail is the longest.

But their faces are very similar!

Can you guess correctly???


Lemur #1
Lemur #2
Lemur #3

8 responses to Match that Red Ruffed

  1. Sherry says:

    Not a clue when you don’t show the tails.
    Please share how you can tell when ready.

  2. Marilyn says:

    I hope I’m right since I’m their trainer!

    I’m gonna have to go with Sarah on this one. Iris, Jethys, Cynthia.

  3. Kimberly says:

    Sarah and Marilyn are correct- Iris, Jethys, Cynthia.
    Our Red Ruffed Lemurs are very difficult to tell apart by their faces alone so this was definately a challenge. Cynthia’s picture shows her gray foot- that’s how Sarah guessed. And Jethys is a bit darker than the other two- I’ll have to show whole body pics soon that include their tails. Thanks for guessing.

  4. Marilyn Johnson says:

    I picked out Cynthia by her toes, as well. That’s a flattering photo of Jethys, I must say!

  5. sarah says:

    To me, Iris has very wide set eyes compared to Jethys, Jethys has the darkest red coat, the most wrinkles on her rostrum and a thinner face than Iris, and Cynthia’s fur is the lightest of the bunch and looks dry and scruffy (plus, she has gray toes!). I don’t tend to have much trouble telling them apart anymore (I used to do “guess which lemur” quizzes when I was working in the Lemur house to help me learn who was who), but their tails are always a welcome addition.

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