The Produce Bomber Strikes Again.

If I only had a video camera to show you how the following played out you would laugh so hard.

my gift bags from Donna

Last week, I approached my driveway at 9 PM, I stop the car because someone is at the foot of the driveway. I assume it’s a dog walker, but my neighbor turns around says something like “oh…I’ve been caught” and starts to run back to her house with a large grocery bag in her arms.

I yell for her to come on back. I’m laughing as I do this (and I hope Donna is too). I then yell “Does it need to be refrigerated?” The conversation continues back and forth somewhat. I park the car and come out to greet her. We chat for a minute or so – she is embarrassed. (Me, I’m thankful for the gifts).  She places the bag into my truck (which has been parked in the driveway). She leaves walking away talking about making “Popsicles” for the critters since it’s been so hot.

I thank her and head to the truck to not only find the large grocery bag she just placed there (watermelon inside), but three other grocery bags. I evidently caught her on her last drop off rather than her first one!


this week’s gifts from the “produce bomber”

People like Donna and all that she does for us and the animals make days like Monday a little bit easier.  THANKS DONNA!!!!!

4 responses to The Produce Bomber Strikes Again.

  1. Sarah says:

    Tell Donna I made “Pina Colada” popsicles/ice cubes for the critters out of the pineapple and coconut! We haven’t tried them yet, but I’m sure they’ll be a hit.

    Wendy- I don’t know what other keepers use Fluff for (bears maybe?), but Jill and I used a small amount last fall to make popcorn balls for pig enrichment.

  2. Sherry Samuels says:

    fluff is a good thing to mix bear medicine in for sure. (Katy likes it too).

  3. Katy says:

    Usually Jill eats all the fluff before the animals can get any!!!

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