If I only had a video camera to show you how the following played out you would laugh so hard. Last week, I approached my driveway at 9 PM, I stop the car because someone is at the foot of the driveway. I assume it’s a dog walker, but my neighbor turns around says something like “oh…I’ve been caught” and starts to run back to her house with a large grocery bag in her arms. I yell for her to come onRead more
Posts tagged: #produce
Spotlight: My Anonymous Neighbor
My neighbor prefers to remain anonymous, which is a bummer since she is so supportive of me, the animals at the Museum and the community as a whole. Probably about once each week I open my front door and there is a bag of goodies waiting. Most recently, I’ve been finding 2-4 watermelons on my doorstep. Donna’s (whoops, now you know her name) first donation was a delivery of 10 watermelons loaded directly on the back of my truck! WatermelonsRead more
Oh yay, produce day…
I can’t speak for all of the keepers, but I do know there are at least some of my fellow co-workers who don’t particularly enjoy produce day. Produce day falls on Wednesday, when our new Lead Keeper, Aaron, goes to several different stores and buys an amazing array of food for the animals. Then, of course, all the food must be put away making sure to place the older stuff on top so that it gets used first. While puttingRead more
QuikPost: More reusable bags!!
A few months ago I found some reusable produce bags at the grocery store. Props to the Kroger on North Pointe Drive who sells these! These bags eliminate the need for those hard to open plastic bags on the roll that you fill with green beans, kale, or whatever loose fruit or vegetable your opossum needs that week, and then toss once you’ve unloaded into the fridge. They’re strong enough to hold apples and sweet potatoes, yet weigh next toRead more
Our talented bears
If you ever had any doubt about how very dexterous a black bear is, how’s this for evidence? This is a watermelon produce sticker that I found in the bear yard yesterday while scooping. (yes, we are using up all those watermelons on my desk) I’ve actually found even smaller apple and orange stickers before, taken off so smoothly that you’re still able to read the produce number! I’m not sure whether they are using their teeth or their claws,Read more
Another produce shopping trip
I only had to do a mini run to the grocery store this week for produce. We just needed greens, beets, and some other random fruits and vegetables that aren’t available at the buy-in-bulk store where I sometimes stock up on apples, oranges, grapes, etc.It’s taken me a good while to get into the habit, but it is finally second nature to grab my cloth bags with me before I head out. For many years, I agonized over which wasRead more