This happens to be a shark! Its called a Wobbegong and live in fairly shallow water in Australia and Indonesia. They are bottom dwellers that feed mainly at night on small fish and squid that might swim by them. There are different kinds of Wobbegons, this one in particular is a ” tasslled.”
Other kinds of wobbegongs are found in different regions.
I learned about this Goblin Shark last week. They are found near Japan and sometimes Australia. They have the ability to extend their jaws when they grab prey and can retract them back into their head.
If you want to know more information about other unusual sharks there is plenty of information to find online. It seems that the oddest looking animals get a lot of attention. We have all grown up hearing about the Hammerhead or Megalodon, but there are lots of animals that still to be discovered or we need to be able to collect more information about the ones we know little about as well.