Sad Owl News to Report

Seems like I am writing a bunch about not-so-great news these days. It’s definitely affecting my mood. It’s not so much that “misery loves company“, but rather that when we started this Blog, our goal was to share with readers what’s going on in the animal department at the Museum.

So, with that said, I have bad news to report.

Brooklyn came to us with a lump on her wing and we just learned that the lump is cancer- and a type of cancer that is aggressive and already spread. We’re not sure what the next steps will be but we’re watching her closely and making plans.

Brooklyn, her first day at the Museum

Bronx had some beak issues. Everything seemed to be going well and healing, but on Thursday Keepers found her not perching and in respiratory distress. She was quickly given oxygen and other meds as she needed to be stable in order to proceed with next tests. Additional oxygen tanks were gathered and she was monitored throughout the day and overnight. unfortunately, she deteriorated overnight and at 4 AM I found her dead. A necropsy is currently being conducted.

We’ve got several older-than-old animals so the coming weeks and months may be filled with more good byes. Rough stretch continues…


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