Larry Boles update: Team Mullet

Former Keeper Larry Boles has been popping up a bit recently so I thought I would give a quick share. larry 001


Last week he found a snake in his bathroom. I thought it was pretty cool, but then I wondered if I would think it was as cool if it happened to me. Thoughts?







He’s down in Orlando. He’s worked for Disney first, than the Orlando Science Center, and ow he is back at Disney working on fish and dolphin research as well as on the Bahamas coral reef project.

He’s working on getting a grant funded that sounds really interesting: Check out TEAM MULLET, or at

3 responses to Larry Boles update: Team Mullet

  1. Ranger Greg says:

    A mullet do (hairstyle) contest was the first thing that came to my mind!
    By the way, how’d that snake get in the bathroom?

  2. Larry B says:

    Hey everybody!! Thanks for the promotion. The snake has not returned but the number of people wanting to stay with us has dropped 🙂

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