6-week pup check

Our six-pack continues to do well. They spend more and more time out in the yard, coming in and out of berms, bushes, and dead fall and can be seen high on the cliff with the rest of the family.

We were excited (and relieved) that all six were in the primary den at 6 AM when we went to catch them up earlier this week. (We didn’t know for sure they were in the den since the camera is no longer functional).

Chris with pup #5, F2892. The chest marking is still there, but much harder to see

All the pups were caught up quickly from the den without any issue. Notice the green crate in the picture above– it’s by Keeper Chris’ legs? We put three pups in each crate and carried them to our side cages for our work.

All pups were weighed, given round 3 of deowormer, checked over for any cuts, nicks, issues, fleas, etc (nothing to note!)

Our weighing system (scale and container) still worked this time. But next time, we’ll need a larger scale and box. The larger pups will have out grown the scale and container.

M2289 is still here. He’s about half the size of his litter-mates. There are numerous reports of him wrestling with his siblings as well as hanging by himself longer out and about when everyone else tends to be snoozing.

Our little guy, #2, M2289, continues to grow.

Check out the weight chart below so you can see how the pups have been growing.

Next Check is at 8-weeks old. First round of vaccines and micro-chipping will occur then, so check back in after the 17th.

Our group of six, in number order from left to right.

4 responses to 6-week pup check

  1. Robin Baneth says:

    Is there a direct URL for pup names? If it is not on front page, I may not find it : ) Thanks.

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