Making Lemonade out of Lemons… red wolf pup style

Nope, no pups here, but it’s the time of year when red wolves have pups. For the most part, every red wolf is born in April or May (I believe there have been three litters in the past 30+ years born the very last week in March). Several of our partner institutions in the Red Wolf Species Survival Plan have had pups. North Carolina Zoo, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, and Rowan Wildlife Adventures, just to name a few. EvenRead more

6-week pup check

Our six-pack continues to do well. They spend more and more time out in the yard, coming in and out of berms, bushes, and dead fall and can be seen high on the cliff with the rest of the family. We were excited (and relieved) that all six were in the primary den at 6 AM when we went to catch them up earlier this week. (We didn’t know for sure they were in the den since the camera isRead more

Daily Meds for Pups

We confirmed at our last Pup check that the pups have Coccidia. It’s a parasite that we found after looking at feces under a microscope (we do what’s called a Fecal Float). The current de-wormer that the pups get every couple weeks does not treat Coccidia. So… we’ve got 10-21 days of daily medicine just for the pups (the parents’ fecal was negative and not surprising since they have likely built up resistance over time).      Read more

Just about weaned

Ranger Greg posted some great pictures of the pups nursing. The pups will be nine weeks old the end of the week so that pretty much means no more nursing as pups are typically weaned at 7-9 weeks of age. Enjoy the video that Ranger Sarah caught of the pups nursing.Read more

One Month Old

At one month old, the pups are now moving a little on their own, and also by mom, F2062. Ranger Greg has shared a few posts with the pups up on the cliff and down by the den. Click here and here to take a look. Ranger Andrew got this quick video of the pups out of the den.  More videos and news coming… or better yet, come see for yourself.      Read more