Welcome to June

Lots of yard work got done today, with the help of some new folks on campus. Ranger Brooke joined our team yesterday and will be with us a couple days each week all month.

You can even see the smile behind the mask! Glad to have your help Brooke.

We, with the help of our entire OLE Team, (DeCario, David, Terrence, Alex, and Savannah) got the lemur/tortoise yard mowed, trees cut and pruned back from the lemur fence, bear cliff weed-eated, bear yard mowed, yard poop-scooped, and the pool skimmed.

David and Brooke taking care of weed-eating and hole filling.
Thanks Alex!

All the bears are in the house when we work in the yard. Mimi spent time in a water trough, playing with another water bucket (so sad that I cannot share what she was doing since it was super-silly).

In the photos below, notice Mimi’s two white lines on her chest? And if you look closely on the left, you can see a shadow and blue outline of the water bucket she was tossing around.

What’s making me smile today? A few different things. First, as you can imagine from what was written above, we got a lot done, had a lot of help, and I spent time watching Mimi in a trough. Really, I couldn’t ask for more… but there is more!

What’s making me laugh is we’ve come up with Team names. As mentioned in March, we divided into two non-overlapping teams. I’ve been saying the “Saturday” team and the “Sunday” team for over two months now. In the past couple weeks we’ve taken on new names:

The Sunday-Wednesday morning crew took on the name “Team Copperhead“, since we were literally dealing with copperheads. The Wednesday afternoon-Saturday crew took a more philosophical approach, and are now known as “Team Quokka“. Here’s what Aaron said when sharing why:

Its an Australian mammal that has a fixed “smile” on its face.  We have made this purposeful choice because we felt like no matter what the climate or challenge, we feel like it is important to have a positive attitude and mindset

I am so fortunate to be with people making the most of things and finding humor and joy in the work that has to be done.

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