Very Hot and Hectic Week

I find everything hard in the heat. Slower going at tasks, more changing of sweaty masks and clothes, more checking in on humans and non-humans alike to make sure everybody is getting through the day. Even our meetings are hot. The banner photo above shows our new meeting location– the parking deck! Staying safe requires masks and being distant from each other. With no rooms large enough and available for the Team, we’re meeting in the parking deck.

I’ve seen cattle and alpaca standing in water and pools (and no, sadly, I do not have pictures to show you… you’ll just have to come by and see for yourself). Perhaps one of the few who like being outside is Duckie, one of our bearded dragons. Duckie need not wear a mask and is at home in really, really hot weather.

Duckie Dragon catching some UV rays

So much is still happening behind the scenes. Mandy and Hayden continue to do animal programs. Exhibits is building much needed new covered areas for the lemurs; veterinary care continues for the critters in need, and our amazing team of volunteers lifts us every day with their help and support.

Check out the photos to get a glimpse at what’s been going on.

Mary holding Snow corn snake for Dr. Vanderford. Snow is recovering from a lesion on his tail. It’s almost healed — just one more week of treatment (medicine on the tail) and we hope all will be back to normal.
Bufo, our marine toad, has an abscess on his right parotid gland. Unfortunately, it will take a long time heal. Another week of oral antibiotics and two topical medicines are in order for Bufo.
Mandy on her way to another virtual animal program. Guess who she’s taking ….

it’s Salt, one of our Chinchillas. Our campers met Salt this week through the computer.
Mother daughter volunteers Cathy and Cassie make Fridays soooooooo much better. They sweat with us in the Farmyard, and then come back indoors to prep diets. Today, they emptied the refrigerators and cleaned them. THANK YOU!!!
Our amazing Exhibits staff has been building new lemur shelters. The first new one went out in the Lemur yard today. Larger shelters allow lounging in the shade (or protection from the elements). The other shelters will go up soon, and next week the team is repairing the window in the muskrat exhibit.

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