Teeth update

While meeting with Katy I noticed a picture on her computer. It was of red wolf M1803, Moose, from earlier in the month. It was a great close up of his face (thanks to Ranger Robert for getting the photo), with his jaw open and teeth in excellent view. It reminded me of the post from the end of May, in which we get a good close up of a video of one of our yearling wolf’s teeth. Teeth ofRead more

The Wolves Tied Again!

Ranger Kaitlynn spotted M1803 and F2062 tied again yesterday. We hope to see a few more ties over the next several days. To see still shots of what our wolves looked like last year when mating click here. Check out these videos that Wolf Sarah got from Tuesday: hRead more

Tied on Tuesday!

I got a text from Autumn yesterday around 12:30. “Wolf Sarah” reported the wolves are tied! I’m hoping Ranger Greg got some photos. I’m working on getting video from Sarah, but in the meantime, here is Sarah’s report of how the morning went: Today was exciting! This was my first time seeing any of the wolves successfully tied together. When I first arrived around 10:30, I noticed that 1803 was following 2062, like normal, on the top of the hillRead more

Male 1803

M1803 has been at the Museum for just about 15 months– not long at all. He’s been a huge presence since his arrival back in November 2017. We crated him up Tuesday morning November 14 and drove him from the Wolf Conservation Center in one very long day of driving. Here’s the very first blog post we put up about him— before he even arrived at the museum! Click here to see the first pictures of him settling in withRead more